
Dear Breakup Girl,
After my friends and I spend a few hours watching kung-fu movies and downing
nachos, we start talking about sex. For the past few years, I've been about
average in the compare-and-contrast fest, but as the more graphic stories come
out, and I've got nothing to add, I'm getting mercilessly, if goodheartedly,
teased. Well, the subject changed after a few jokes and comments of the "But
you're not as ugly as Will, and Will got laid!" variety, and a few teasing offers
of a stud service (did I mention I'm a girl? I'm a girl), but it's still in
my head.
I want to be in love the first time. I want him to be a virgin who loves me,
too (even if he's not necessarily He, as in, the One). I've never been in love,
and I think I'd like to be. Also, I've never had sex, and I KNOW I'd like to.
If just half of what I've heard is true...oh, sorry, what was I saying? Oh yeah,
the guys say that it's cute the way I want to be in love with the First, and
it's proof of my feminine instincts coming out (yeah, whatever), but it's actually
quite an annoying complication.
There's a guy I SHOULD be in love with; let's call him Matt 'cause that's
his name. He's very sweet, very affectionate (if a bit clingy), and very intelligent.
He met with complete approval from the guys when he first started to like me.
He has terrible taste in movies--I sat through "You've Got Mail" to give it
a chance, but it sucked--and he's a bit older than me. Also a virgin. He's in
love with me, cow eyes and music and all, but when I told him I did not want
to commit to one person, he said he would do whatever made me happy (told you
he was sweet).
But, Breakup Babe, if I was in love with him, I would not have a wandering
eye that makes even Bill Clinton look committed, right? I've accepted a few
dates and goodnight pecks from a few nice guys, and I'm also seeing Charles,
a slightly younger guy who has amazing brown eyes, a brilliant worldview, and
quick sense of humor, not to mention this weird effect on me (causing a goofy
smile which leads me to MORE teasing). He and Matt know of each other's existence.
There's a guy at work, Paul, who's after me, but, despite his Camaro, I'm not
into him. The car is NOT supposed to be hotter than the guy.
What is an 18-year-old-never-been-in-love girl to do? Am I about to go to college
with a big "V" hanging above my head? My friends, when I complained
about the situation, all said, "You're so screwed! Oh, wait, actually, you're
not." I don't mind going to college like this, but who knows when I'll
be called in to harness a unicorn or break a warlock's curse? (Jon quoted dozens
of Anime movies where only a virgin's kiss/touch/tears could break the spell.)
But never in love? I mean, Matt should be perfect, so shouldn't there be some
kind of sign, some way I would know if he were the One (like, maybe a lack of
interest in other guys i.e. Charles, Paul, et al.)?
Dear Akane,
Wanting to be "in love with the first" is not
If you ask me, it's "ideal." Call me old-fashioned.
But you really aren't screwed; no pun. Au contraire. So please don't
view leaving the Club as some sort of heroine's quest, nor your "wandering
eye" as some sort of dissed-by-Destiny sign. Love -- and sex -- ARE supposed
to be hotter than SHOULD.
Breakup Girl
PS: About whichever guy shows up next, you could also
ask The Magic Beach Ball.