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August 30, 1999   CONTINUED e-mail e-mail to a friend in need


Dear Breakup Girl,

I'm not writing about a breakup, but about a potential mate. We met under strange circumstances (test driving a demo Bug at the dealership, his demo). As we were getting ready to leave the dealership, I went to reach for my car keys and they were nowhere to be found! He ended up driving my friend and me to her place so we could pick up her car and go on a mad search for my keys. I asked him to let me know if he found them in the meantime. I ended up finding them and decided that I should let him know, so I sent a fax to him at work simply stating that I found them and thanked him again for going beyond the call of duty. I didn't expect a reply from him, but he faxed me back that afternoon with a sarcastic and funny reply. My girlfriend thinks I should ask him out for a drink. I'm aware that he is relatively new to town and we are both positive that he is single (because of the conversation we had at the dealership), but I'm wondering whether or not I am reading too much into his reply. I know it doesn't hurt to try. We got along so well that I felt like I'd known him for years. Any advice you could offer would be great.


Dear Rosa,

Hug it. Drive it. Go for it.

Breakup Girl



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