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March 1, 1999   CONTINUED e-mail e-mail to a friend in need


Dear Breakup Girl,

I have been an avid fan of yours ever since one of my friends bought me "He Loved Me, He Loves Me Not" a couple years ago when I was going through a breakup. Saved a lot of days.

But, my problem is this: I'm a 20 year old college student that doesn't have many friends due to the fact that they've moved on to 'greener pastures' while I stayed at the home college. A year ago, two brothers moved into the other half of the duplex that my parents own (and we live in). Everything was peachy keen, we all got along fine. Brother #1 (the older one) and I became very good friends, like actual brother and sister. Brother #2 and I were friends 'with potential.' Brother #2 ended up moving out of the house so Brother #1's girlfriend could move in. Brother #2 and I ended up dating and eventually falling in love which lead to all four of us hanging out and me becoming accepted by his family (including his mother -- she and I are great friends and she has said that regardless of what goes on between me and 'the kids' we will remain such.) But, alas, Brother #2 and I have said our good-byes, and I know it is all for the better. I'm sure this will cause Brother #1 to pull away from me, since his girlfriend and I aren't getting along too well, and his brother and I are "Kaput." I love them all very much, but things just haven't worked out, and it is hard to get by with the day to dayness since they still live right next to me. I find myself bursting into tears and feeling horribly alone at very inopportune times. I know that things will get easier, but what do I do in the meantime (since I basically have no friends and these people had become my world)?

-- Waiting for Later

Dear Waiting,

You know what I am going to say. Worse yet, it's one of those easy-for-BG-to-say things that borders on cliche -- so/but in the rare instances that she deploys it, you know she means it. Ready? Make friends. You know how, you've done it before; they're just not always going to be as convenient. Some of your hometown buddies may have moved on, but other people's hometown buddies have moved in where you are. Put down my book -- thanks, though! -- and get yourself out of the house and over to campus. Also, a lesson for everyone: I don't care if the Boy is right next door; you've got to cultivate friends down the road. Because you're going to need them ... down the road.

Breakup Girl



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