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February 8, 1999 e-mail e-mail to a friend in need


Less Than a Week To Go Until You Can Buy Valentine's Day Stuff at Half-Price for Next Year

Just some tips and thoughts to get you through the next week.

  • This past week's Breakup Girl LIVE revealed Valentine's Day to be a conspiracy larger than you ever imagined, involving the likes of Microsoft, Viacom, and the New Haven cabal of Skull and Bones -- not to mention that wily chamomile mastermind, Jewel. Missed the show? Go on line to check out the archives (which should be up soon), and your phone won't not ring for at least 90 minutes. (Hey, you can also download Rob's BG theme song here.)
  • Shout out to couples: for all our self-pitying ranting at this time of year, you are welcome here, no matter how cute you are. Everyone should remember that you are under just as much stress as the rest of us, just in a different -- perhaps more complex -- flavor. Singles worry, "Will I die alone?", period, while partners worry, "Will I die penniless given the skyrocketing cost of doing 'enough' for someone on Valentine's Day?" or "Will I die alone and penniless because of something I somehow 'messed up' on Valentine's Day but will never understand why?"
  • Reminder:

How about counting
Both syllables and blessings?
Go write some haiku.

You've got one more day to enter our annual haiku contest! Also check out our seasonal postcards and emailable candy hearts!
  • February 14 is Breakup Dad's birthday! I'm not telling his age, except to say that he's even older than Breakup Girl, who is still trying to figure out what to say when people ask how it "feels" to be 30. Darned if I know. True story: in the same week, I got (a) the wrinkle cream recommended by my dermatologist, and (b) carded. So.
  • Most important, please know that I'm so honored and thrilled to be here to take care of the world's lonely hearts and inquiring minds this week and this Sunday. Because otherwise, I'm pretty much free. So here I go ...



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People ending marriages do not speak any sort of meaningful, consistent language to the person they’re seeing while they’re doing it.
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