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January 11, 1999 e-mail e-mail to a friend in need


First off, thanks to all of you who helped make another sold-out Breakup Girl LIVE such a smashing success -- the best one yet, actually!. Please join us at Gotham Comedy Club (or at comedynet.com -- where you can also see the archives) on February 4 for the next all-new show ... and if you are in NYC, plan on sticking around afterwards to celebrate Breakup Girl's Second Annual 29th Birthday!

And now, the moment you resolved to be patient to wait for:

The Top 14 breakupgirl.net
Readers' New Year's Resolutions of 1999*!
(If you are reading these for ideas, please note that gender-wise, generally -- except for maybe the "bosom" one -- they can go both ways.)

 VM: To risk my heart more for love in the New Year -- I once heard it said, "Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon."
 DONNA: I resolve to not hold a grudge against every guy that has ever wronged me.
 BLUEGREEN: That I will never ever go back to someone I've dated before, because there were reasons why it didn't work out the first time, and starting something up again is just like trying to revive dead pets in "Pet Semetary" -- they may come back looking like the same old same old, but you can be sure that there's some wacked out craziness lurking within.
 VALARIE: I resolve to give the "nice guys"** a REAL chance, i.e. every time a nice guy flubs up a little when asking me out, or holds back al ittle bit, I will think, "How nice that he is not perfect and trying to rush into things." Instead of thinking "Geez, what loser. He can't even ask me out right!" **nice guy = Someone who is not perfect and is not smooth and charming all the way up until he is bored and then disappears off the face of the earth.
 CAROL: I resolve that the next time I meet a man who is funny, cute, likes foreign films, dances well and remembers my birthday, I will ask him "Are you gay?" right off rather than waiting 6 months to find out.
 BARRETT: Resolved: Go with the gut. Next time I feel the urge to wrap my arms around her and kiss her, I will.
 IRINA: I resolve not to make dates to "hang out" -- I'm way too old for that.
 ELIZABETH: I will stop selling myself short by going out with guys who are just okay but who I really don't get much out of being around, but who I get to entertain and take care of and buy stuff for, because even when things stink I'm trying to be a good girlfriend. I will monitor what I am getting out of relationships I engage in and if the only answer to "What do I get out of this?' is "Someone to fuss over," I will take myself to task.
 S: I will be more observant of how women act around me and be more trusting of my senses. Several times last year I thought some women were flirting with me and I wasn't sure and was too chicken to ask them about it. I also need to stop being so focused on school and work that I think if I become involved with a woman it will interfere with school or work. I've had relationships before and it actually encouraged me to work better. If I can do all of this and remain sane, I'm sure 1999 will be year to remember.
 ROCHELLE: I'm going to stop looking up old boyfriends in chat rooms.
 AMY: I'll heed the warning bells when: my partner insists I view his favorite movie for the tenth time, but falls asleep after 20 minutes of one of my favorite movies. Or: I'm too patient if I have to explain for the fifth time the 1) major characters and 2) plot of one of my "major life stories." Especially if I have to act interested all over again for one of His Major Life Stories for the Tenth Time.
 EUROGRRL: My New Year's Resoluation is to show my bosom more in the coming year. Usually I wear t-shirts and cover up quite a lot, but after 4 years of nightmare relationship that finished last year I need to make a stand, get out there and let those puppies do their magic!
 AMY: To tell Breakup Girl how truly wonderful and inspiring her web site is.
 CARRIE: I will avoid getting a date for as long as possible. Finally a resolution I can keep!
* Judge's criteria: either made BG laugh really hard or struck her as a really good idea. Or both.

And now, this week's assortment of remaining New Year's matters and timeless concerns:



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Important Breakup Girl Maxim:
Ladies, there are PLENTY of nice straight guys left. Though it would be helpful if they had some sort of parade.
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