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October 26, 1998   CONTINUED e-mail e-mail to a friend in need


Dear Breakup Girl,

I have been dating this girl Meaghan for 1 month. When we went out clubbing the other night her brother Zach came too. That was cool, cause I am friends with him, I have noticed that Meaghan and Zach are close which is good, but tell me if this is something to be concerned about....

If you were watching us in the club that night you would have thought that they were a couple and not Meaghan and I, first they were talking to each other all night long and not really involving me in their conversation -- that was ok, they are Bro & Sis. Then they walked together, held hands, gave each other hugs and even pecked each other on the cheek here and there!!! During all of this I received no affection at all. THEN Meaghan saw some friends and they came over to us, and she goes, "This is my brother Zach"...and then continued blabbing with them without bothering to intoduce me, like I wasn't even there!And I was standing next to Zach. That was it for me, I left them, got a drink and went mingling. What the heck would you think was going on? YEAH, I know...Their family seems close...REALLY close!!! Do you think I'm just paranoid? I live with my sister and I love her to bits, but Meaghan and Zach seem to give me the willies...Would I be a dick for breaking up with her? And how exactly would I do that without implying anything? Thanks --

-- J

Dear J,

I ran this one by Belleruth to see if an actual psychotherapist detected any actual psycho-weirdness. And here is her professional, technical opinion: "That Meghan is one rude girlie. You don't even have to get into the thing with her brother -- and who knows about that, really: maybe it's that she wants to keep you at arm's length for some reason, and Bro is the vehicle. No matter what, it's a matter of manners, and you can frame it that way if/when you bring it up. If she doesn't shape up, you'll have enough data to decide about a breakup." Which would give you the chance to hang with more gracious girlies. And to spend more QT with your sister.




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