Just So You Know
Jen writes:
Having just been through a tough breakup myself, I feel these people's
pain...but I have to rant and rave about something for just a sec! I can't tell
you ( and I probably don't need to tell you) how many letters I've read where
people moan and groan about bad and occasionally destructive relationships and
the effect it is having on their life... but then they add in: "But the
sex is great ... fantastic...mindblowing... etc." as a reason why they
stay with this person! Now I have had great sex with people I haven't
loved..and average sex with people I have loved..and vice versa (Thank
Goodness) and yes...sex can be all those things and more! But the point is that
no matter how great it is...that fifteen minutes...hour... whatever..is NEVER
worth giving up everything you have (including your self-respect) ...everything
you have ever worked for..everything you want out of life... for a roll in the
proverbial hay, etc. Great sex is just that..not a reason for living..not a
reason for staying in a bad relationship...not an excuse to do stupid and
harmful things to yourself and those who love you!! A bad relationship is a bad
relationship and sex is not a magical potion that makes all that go away!
People who think otherwise don't need to get laid...they need to get a clue :)
Thanks and keep up the good work!
Homecoming Heaven (formerly Homecoming Hell) writes:
Hey, Breakup Girl. You told me to write you back and tell you what
happened...good news! I let the word out to one of my friends that happens to
drive him to school every morning, and she convinced him to ask me! As far as I
know he actually wants to go with me, and doesn't have a problem with it. I
think we're even going to dinner beforehand (big step)! Thanks a lot for your