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September 28, 1998   CONTINUED e-mail e-mail to a friend in need


Dear Breakup Girl,

I kicked my girlfriend out of my apartment at college because since we moved in together she has been sucking me dry of money. In only a month that we lived together I gave her $850.00 dollars. I feel I was the idiot. Well, now I am having a hard time having the courage to ask girls out on a date -- yes, I fear rejection and honestly I have no confidence in myself to flirt or whatever. Seems like all the girls I'm interested in want the jocks or the ones with the new trucks. What should I do? I already turned down Model Search because I was still in a relationship -- should I pursue that still?

-- Rick

Dear Rick,

Does anyone want to tell Breakup Girl what "Model Search" is? Seems to me like we have enough of them, without having to go looking. Or, are some missing?

In the meantime, listen, Rick: you had a bum deal with that girl, and it's made you twice-shy. But I think the balances in your security and confidence accounts might have been a little low even before then. I'm sure it was very nice of you to give her so much money, but it was also a little needy. On your part. Did you maybe think that getting an ATM card at Rick Bank was the only way she'd like you, need you, stay? You were trying, in your own way, to be the cash jock, the guy with enough money for the new truck. It's all the same. Something to think about before you relaunch Girlfriend Search. And I'm hoping you won't have to go looking too hard.

Breakup Girl



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