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September 21, 1998   CONTINUED e-mail e-mail to a friend in need


Dear Breakup Girl,

Ok, so here's the deal. I love sex, I love men and I love life. What I don't want is a committment. I don't want a boyfriend. My roommate says this makes me dysfunctional and self-destructive. She disapproves of my (safe) one-nighters or casual sex relationships. I say it is perfectly healthy ... the reason I don't want to have a relationship with anyone is because I have not yet met the man who deserves me. I am a great girl -- smart, funny, generous, pretty (ok, I'll stop, sorry) -- and confident. I need a man who can handle all that and live up to some pretty high standards. Relationships, as you well know, take time and effort and a great deal of respect, trust and committment. Why should I give all those very precious things to someone unworthy? So what I'm saying is that I am 20 and I have a lot of life to live -- so there's nothing wrong with filling that life with beautiful men who make me happy, if only for a night (no -- I don't have any feelings of unfulfillment), lovely poetry and moonlit nights? What do you think? Am I delusional? Am I ok? Am I heading for a very large mid-life crisis and an exorbitant therapy bill?

-- Siobhan

Dear Siobhan,

No, you're fine. So are standards. Just make sure of one thing: when he comes along, will you actually let him in?

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