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June 15, 1998   CONTINUED e-mail e-mail to a friend in need


Summer Reading, Volume II

Dear Breakup Girl,

Love you, love your column! THE love of my life destroyed me last summer and I still haven't gotten over him. I have dated a whole bunch of men, tried to keep busy etc....but can't stop feeling that I have lost the best thing I ever had. I just keep thinking I don't want him to be happy because I am not. I thought I was doing well for a long time but lately it has all come back to me. Help me! I want my ex out of my head.

--- Hopeful to Heal

Dear Hopeful,

You did lose the best thing you ever had. Until that point. And at this point, it's all coming back to you because, well, you still know what you did last summer. I mean, really, the teeniest things -- the whiff of a scent, the note of a song -- remind us of loves and losses; how 'bout when that reminder is ... the sun ?! And so, even at this time of increased slothitude, you've got to do more than "keep busy." You've gone past the statute of limitations for "distractions." You are still just treading water, gulping brine into your empty heart and lungs. You said it yourself: you do not want him to be happy because you are not happy. This is the problem: not getting over him, but changing what's around you. What will make you happy (no fair saying "him")? Grad school, a road trip, new curtains? Figure it out. For real. And at the risk of sounding glib, DO THAT.

Breakup Girl



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