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June 15, 1998   CONTINUED e-mail e-mail to a friend in need


Predicament of the Week/Success Story of the Month:
Whatever Happened to Bob, Carol, Ted, and Alice?

(Another Round with the Guy at the End of the Bar)

BG background:
You guys no doubt remember G., the guy whom Breakup Girl nearly drove insane by first telling him to give up, step back, and watch The One that Got Away walk down the aisle ... and then, with the advice of The Guy at the End of the Bar, amending her instructions and saying -- while warning against any sitcom "capers -- Go for it! Or, at least, to go through the motions of going for it, and them, in the words of TGATEOTB, "Okay, now that I've told you exactly what you want to hear, if you are not out the door in 30 seconds, you and I will know definitively that it is NOT Meant To Be, after all."

Wanna know what happened?

Well, first G. told us that ... Yeah! He was going to write A Letter declaring his feelings. Last we heard, he hadn't decided whether to mail it or deliver it in person ... something was stalling him out. Here's the latest.

Dear Breakup Girl,

Saturday marked the occasion of the grand and elegant Napa Valley engagement party, and no, not mine. I wrote a fabulous letter (at least I think it is fab) but upon reflection I just couldn't send it. Something kept nagging at me..... wait, I remember what it was, from your original response ... "Carol has not traced the letters 'HELP ME' in the condensation on the window of the speeding car that is her impending marriage. Something -- and dare I suggest that it may have been more than proximity/circumstance ...it wasn't that far! or cumbersome !-- has been keeping you two apart thus far."

So I have dropped out, No "Graduate" shenanigans, no sitcom plots, just a quiet calm and acceptance with a tinge of sadness. The worst part of it all is now I don't even have a good story to tell you! How I wanted to be the BG success story of the month! The glory, the fame! Instead, you get a dull tale of dreary reflection with no real drama. Damn, and after such a fine start.

Oh, the engagement party, hey I got to hang out with all my friends, that's always fun. And if she is really going to marry him, well then, maybe she is a little crazy herself (independently several people have decided that the upcoming nuptials are akin to a train wreck, as in you don't want to look but you just can't help yourself.)

That's the tale, kind of a fizzle on the ending, but then again, maybe it's not the end! You never know...


Oh G.,

You get your wish; this is a success story, it is! Twinge (more than a twinge) of sadness notwithstanding, it's not always about drama/fame/glory ... it's about closure. Or the nearest possible approximation thereto. You thought, you wrote, you tried; now you -- pretty much -- know. Pretty much. Over to you, GATEOTB.

GATEOTB says," I don't think it's the end for this one. I think it is a train wreck, the pieces of which you will be picking up later when she finally turns to you in a Vanessa-Williams-slash-Saved-the-Best-for-Last scenario. If you're askin' the guy at the end of the bar, that nagging thing that kept you from sending the letter is nothing but decency and niceness -- not wanting to mess things up in case she really would be happier with The Conductor. So what if there's no "HELP ME," no villain -- there shouldn't have to be any reason to tell someone you love them except that you do. But you sound resolved, and that's what we're all rooting for, so ... Cheers!"

Um, G., are you still "calm?" Hang in there. You're doing great.

Breakup Girl and TGATEOTB



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