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April 27, 1998   CONTINUED e-mail e-mail to a friend in need


Dear Breakup Girl,

A while ago, I was dumped, the same old excuse ("I'd just rather be friends"). Well, I'm still heartbroken, and the crappy thing is that while I'm mourning at home, he's in Mexico having the time of his life. But back to the subject. I feel like if I go out with someone now, he will be mad at me, and he means a lot to me. What do you think I should do? I don't want to be hated, but I don't want to be single.

-- Karen

Dear Karen,

He might mean a lot to you, but your -- sorry, overused word -- self-esteem means a lot to Breakup Girl. And, much like the peso, it seems to have undergone a dramatic devaluation. He dumped you, and you think he'll be mad if you move on? Ay, caramba! With all due respect, do you realize how loco that sounds? You have to face the good/bad news: You are not his girlfriend any more! You are entitled do whatever you want! If Cancun Boy can't deal, then hello, he is not amigo material to begin with. But more importantly, the fact that you are even asking this question suggests to Breakup Girl that maybe you're not quite ready to get back out there. You owe him civil behavior, consideration, and decorum, not a vow of chastity. Someone will like you, Karen; don't cling to this one. Por favor.

Breakup Girl



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