Dear Breakup Girl,
"When you meet that one special person, you'll just KNOW."
Everyone says that to me. Is it true? Or is love all chance and timing. I have
been in love, but no one has ever made me KNOW. What is KNOWing like?
-- Katrina
Dear Katrina,
Breakup Girl has noticed that there are some things
it's hard to get specifics on, like what "management consultants" do
all day, and what it feels like to KNOW. Here are a few observations and
suggestions that might shed some light.
1. Sometimes when people smile mysteriously and say,
"Oh...I just KNEW," what they really mean is "Oh...I just...
can't remember."
2. Don't assume that KNOWing always occurs in a
lightning-bolt moment. Sometimes it just drizzles into our consciousness, so
that when the moment of truth comes, the word "yes," or "
no," or "decaf" is just there.
3. KNOWing is not unique to life-lasting love. How
else do you think Breakup Girl KNOWs how to respond to this question? Look
around your life for other examples of when you've just KNOWn -- a college or
fashion choice, perhaps? You might find that you know more about KNOWing than
you realized.
You know?
I know, I know.
Breakup Girl
P.S. Doesn't KNOW look like a really funny word now?
Know, know, know. Okay, I'm done now.