Dear Breakup Girl,
Cindy and I lived together, off and on (due to the Military) for two and a
half years. About six months ago I told her that I wanted to move out and live
on my own. It wasn't because I didn't love her; I just felt like I was losing
my own self. Well I went away for a month in October, and when I got back we
finally broke up. The problem is that I still love her. She says that she loves
me, but doesn't trust me. I understand this, and I also understand how much I
hurt her. But I love her with all my heart and she's the only one for me. I try
to make some excuse for either seeing her, or talking to her, every day. That's
really not hard to do, since we have a dog together, and I guess we kind of
share joint custody. She seems to get really annoyed with me some times, and
when I ask her if she can see us having a future together again, she says she
doesn't know. This is from someone who wanted to spend the rest of her life
with me, and someday have kids. I don't want to be with anyone else, and I feel
like I'm empty with out her. But am I fooling myself? Should I just give up and
go on with my life? Or is there some hope for me? I know that I'm not perfect,
and have some major flaws in my personality. But if you really love someone,
shouldn't you be able to over look those flaws?
-- KC
Dear KC,
There are two major issues at play here:
1) Trust
2) Dogs.
First, the simple one: Trust. She says she doesn't
trust you; ask her what it would take. I mean, no fair leaving you hanging. If
she really means that she'd like to be with you, but trust is an issue, then
figure out a way to work on it. Short, I guess, of moving back in to see if it
happens again. But if it's really a flabby way of saying, "I'm really not
interested anymore, but I do need help walking Millie," then you've got to
cut your losses -- and give up your claim on the pooch. Contact with Cindy, and
her furrier half, is not helping now, and it won't help then.
A few more notes about the problem of the Joint Pet.
If the dog's name is the Navajo word for "the stray we took in on the
first anniversary of a love that will last forever," Cindy will have to
think fast. But remember, if she does retain full custody, you are spared all
sorts of painful associations and ethical quandaries (if you walk it with
someone else, is that cheating?).
And if you want a pet of your own, don't go right for
Dog II. Assert your identity as a macho-single-guy / sensitive-90s-dad by
purchasing and nurturing a Burmese python or Siamese fighting fish.When she
hears, Cindy will (a) think you are really weird, and (b) think she is really
weird for actually having jealous twinges of feeling
Breakup Girl