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February 16, 1998   CONTINUED e-mail e-mail to a friend in need


A Special BG FYI
Ladies, listen up: thus spake an actual guy.

Dear Breakup Girl,

I was reading your advice to Jennie, the girl who wanted to know how to let guys know she was interested in them. You gave a few suggestions. The first two were good, but then you suggested that she ask a guy to join her and her friends for a movie. As a guy, I would assume that a woman who asked me to join her and her friends, wanted to JUST BE FRIENDS. Women frequently try to send messages to men that the men just won't get. There are, however, some subtle ways of communicating that I think are effective. One of the best, simplest and nearly guaranteed rejection-free ways a woman can express interest is through touch. Touch the guy on the arm, etc. As a guy, this not only gets the message across to me, it's very nice AND it makes me feel a lot more comfortable with that woman, making it easier to propose future get-togethers.

-- Kevin

Thanks, Kevin! Good call.



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