Dear Breakup Girl,
I have been in a relationship with someone for three months now. I'm a
musician, and my obsession / occupation is a bit trying on my relationships.
Needless to say, I've been dumped so many times, I've learned to be extremely
realistic when it comes to who I give my heart to. Well, this girl is
incredible and is everything I could ever want in a woman. My instincts coupled
with some very disturbing finds (I won't get into detail, because that will
only demonstrate my desperation / stupidity for staying with her as long as I
have.) have finally caused me to realize that I must leave this relationship.
One problem, I don't wish to get into the particuliars of why I no longer want
this. I am a man of tact, and don't believe in embarrassing someone to such a
degree. Not only that, I do not really feel comfortable admitting to her that I
knew what was going on all along. What should I do? Also, am I nuts for staying
with someone who had absolutely no regard for someone they supposedly cared so
much for? I could have shared my life with her. Help!
-- Nitwit in NYC
Dear Nitwit,
I don't really get what your question is, but it
sounds like you already know the answer.
Breakup Girl