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February 16, 1998 e-mail e-mail to a friend in need


Valentine's Day Debriefing
So. We all got through it in one (and I do mean ONE) piece, right?
(As in one rilly rilly big piece of slice-n-bake cookie dough?)

Here's the full report from BG HQ:
Number of actual Valentines Breakup Girl received: 2
Number of actual Valentines Breakup Girl received from Breakup Mom and Dad: 1
Number of actual Valentines Breakup Girl received from a boy: 1
Number of actual Valentines Breakup Girl received from a boy who is dating her roommate Jason: 1
Number of virtual Valentines Breakup Girl received: Jillions. Thanks, you guys. You made my day.

Other V-Day developments: BG webmeister Chris' ex-girlfriend stopped by to take back the "good" butcher knife she'd left here while she was traveling. Chris took secret joy in knowing that the blade had been significantly dulled by his back.

Oh. Happy Presidents' Day.
Now on to your letters.
Speaking of numbers...

This Advice Column is Brought to You By... The Number 3.
Schoolhouse Rockers (and De La Soul fans) already well know that three is a magic number. But what is it about the number three in relationships? Why does 3 dates = either stop seeing each other or sleep together? Why does 3 months = either stop seeing each other or stop seeing each other and keep sleeping together? Three blind dates, poison-tipped love triangles, bleak Chekov plays ... ? Here, Breakup Girl tries to put 2 and 1 together.



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© 2008 Just Friends Productions, Inc.
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Important Breakup Girl Maxim:
You know it’s a relapse -- and not a reunion -- when you see your ex and you say to yourself, "Wow. You look great...without committment."
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