Dear Breakup Girl,
I recently ended a two year relationship with my fiancee, and I wanted to know
what you thought about something.
On our first date, my fiancee took me over to meet her female best friend at
midnight. I thought it was inappropriate but she was determined that I meet
her. This was done without any prior warning on her part and her friend wasn't
even awake at the time.
Well, I later learned that they used to be roommates, and it was rumored that
they were lesbians. In fact, my fiancee told me that they spent so much time
together it was like they were closer than sisters, and that people thought
they were gay.
My fiancee shared every detail of our relationship with her best friend, and
she never had a serious boyfriend or date during our relationship. Her friend
was seven years older than both of us (each 28), and I could never understand
why they would always say they loved each other so much. They would also sing
love songs to each other and leave them on their answering machines.
The friend would get upset anytime I spent time with my fiancee. She would
even bang on the door and ring the bell repeatedly until we would open the door.
I would find love letters from the friend to my fiancee all the time, and
my fiancee even had a picture of the friend on her mantle. She didn't even have
one of me! They even went on vacations together.
Whenever I wasn't able to go somewhere or do something with my fiancee, the
best friend was always available. I even came across some of the friend's
undergarments at my fiancee's home once. My fiancee quickly got rid of the panties
and told me that her friend had used the washing machine. The friend has her
own washing machine!!!
They would go out on weekly dates; and I later found out my fiancee would give
her roses. The last straw came for me when were planning the wedding.
The best friend got so angry at my fiancee, and they stopped speaking. She refused
to do anything to help and my fiancee spent more time trying to reconcile with
her than focus on our plans.
The friend started going out of town to visit another single female friend,
and my fiancee would get furious.
I had had it up to here with all the concern over the best friend and decided
I was getting out of this mess! I asked my fiancee to stop sharing so much with
her friend about our relationship, but she told me that I was being jealous
and she wasn't giving her friend up for anything.
Well, Bobby Brown I am not; and I wasn't about to accept a relationship like
Whitney Houston's with Robyn Crawford. (Houston's close friend that never had
a boyfriend and was a known lesbian.) Since the relationship ended, I learned
that the two are back to staying at each other's homes and have been spotted
around town.
What's your input? I need to have some answers.
-- Three is Too Much for Me
Dear Three is Too Much for Me,
Think about it this way: if that girl were a guy, you'd
have been out of there way earlier.
Or, think about it this way: since you are a guy,
if you had gotten married, she would have been the first to go.
Either way, you were right -- painful though it must have
been -- to get out of the middle. Let Gregoire
worry about Whitney ; when you're ready , let the rumors fly about your next
great one-on-one.
Breakup Girl