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July 3, 2000   CONTINUED e-mail e-mail to a friend in need


Dear Breakup Girl,

My best friend/ex-boyfriend just returned from boarding school. We each had a set of dog tags and as a sign of our eternal love and friendship for each other, we switched one tag and wore them 24-7. I was allergic to the metal so I couldn't keep mine on, but I always carried them with me. He still wore his and had them on whenever he came home to visit. But now that the school year is over, he's done pretty much the same thing with his girlfriend from school! The only difference is that both of their names are on one tag, and it says, "I love you." When I saw it I was so hurt, but I didn't say anything. I think I feel this way because I still want to be with him. But what can I do to get over this? I'm not sure if they're still together, but I don't want a man on the rebound, and I don't want a summer fling before he goes back to school, and I don't want to completely destroy our friendship/relationship. Help!


Dear Missing,

That bitch!

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Oh, Michelle, I know you're one blue pup, and no wonder! Not only has this gal effectively taken your place in his heart, she's also taken the very same symbol that lies on his heart. That smarts. That's why, well, maybe you feel hurt because you want him back, but I'd be inclined to think the tag thing would make you sad no matter what. So if you don't want just a hookup (which I think is wise), I'd say there's nothing to, like, do. Curl up and lick your wounds; give yourself time; hang around and do friend things with him if you can stand it. This one, I guess, just wasn't destined/trained to stay. But I just know it: at the sound of your heart being opened again, the next guy will come running.

Breakup Girl



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