Dear Breakup Girl,
My last relationship ended before I got to college. Now, I can't meet any
guy whose primary interest isn't sleeping with me on the first date. I think
I'm funny, smart, attractive, vivacious; does that mean guys automatically
think I'm easy?? Am I the only girl on earth who's been in a three-year
relationship without losing her virginity? What do I do to meet a nice
guy, not a pleasure seeking pimp!
–Been There, Haven't Done That
Dear Been There, Haven't Done That,
You are absolutely not the only one, I promise. I know
that lots of people want to have lots of sex in college — especially first
year — because, all of a sudden, they … can. And as annoyed as you
must be, keep in mind that wanting to have sex on the first date doesn't make
a guy a "pleasure-seeking pimp" any more than it makes a girl a "slut."
Just hold out for the "nice" guy — he's there, I promise — who might
even want to have sex right away, but wants, even more,
to wait.
Breakup Girl