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September 21

500,000 good men

Filed under: Treats — posted by Breakup Girl @ 5:18 am

Life during wartime:

Obama Releases 500,000 Men From U.S. Strategic Bachelor Reserve


July 21

Jen’s Ethiopian Dreamboat!

Filed under: Celebrities,Comedy — posted by Abby @ 2:38 pm

Spot-on (especially considering this recent little mishap):

Jennifer Aniston Adopts 33-Year-Old Boyfriend From Africa


January 20

Onion: LOST fans soon to devastate dinner parties

Filed under: Comedy,Treats,TV — posted by Breakup Girl @ 3:49 pm

Final Season Of ‘Lost’ Promises To Make Fans More Annoying Than Ever


May 30

Spurring growth

Filed under: Treats — posted by Chris @ 10:25 am

The esteemed Onion News Network reports that the nation’s girlfriends have put foward an economic plan that could save the country over $200 billion — let’s move in together!

Nation’s Girlfriends Unveil New Economic Plan: ‘Let’s Move In Together’


November 19

Attractive Women, Nice Guy, at impasse

Filed under: Treats — posted by Breakup Girl @ 8:28 am

Attractive Girls Union Refuses To Enter Into Talks With Mike Greenman

(BG, however, remains more than open to talks.)


September 18

Area woman overshares

Filed under: Treats — posted by Maria @ 4:39 pm

I think we all know this gal:

“Having such an optimistic outlook on her love life is not uncommon for Castlen, who since reaching dating age has undergone more than 23 changes in relationship status, ranging from long-term abstinence to a brief but intense affair with a married man. The 26-year-old has also celebrated three serious relationships that lasted the perfect length of time, five just-what-she-needed dumpings, two hookups with ex-boyfriends that ‘gave her closure,’ and an abruptly canceled engagement that Castlen said she couldn’t have planned better herself. “

Hey, at least she’s happy!

Thanks, Onion.

(Bonus: New Nervous-Energy Drink Recreates Feeling Of Waiting For Girl To Call)


August 8

Really Dark Knight

Filed under: Psychology,Superheroes — posted by Amanda @ 10:25 am

I take it that by now most people with a pulse have seen The Dark Knight at least 1/5 as many times as my 18-year-old brother, not counting IMAX. Still, no spoilers here, except maybe of your jaunty “ain’t love grand?” mood. The Onion’s AV Club recently took up a topic from one of The Dark Knight’s IMDB boards — one that took what we over here take to be a bit of a disturbing turn. The question at hand: “Is The Joker ‘sexy’ — too sexy, in fact, to be an effective villain?”

Um, quick bio: The Joker is a deeply disturbed killer who shows no remorse for his actions. He takes perverse pleasure in chaos; he will go to any length to bring it about. My father, quaintly, compared The Joker to the Phantom of the Opera. Sure, some of us — uncomfortably — do find The Phantom a bit arousing, but he, let’s recall, is motivated by love. We know his sorrowful backstory; we develop sympathy for him, trapped as he is in an unbearable soundtrack. The Joker, by contrast, appears out of nowhere, backstory-, alias-, and fingerprint-free, motivated by nothing other than pure eeeeeeevil, to wreak havoc upon Gotham. No tragic story, just an appetite for destruction and a terrible hair day. So…”sexy!?” Yikes.



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