A more special Muppet Christmas special
We here at breakupgirl.net are big fans of the Muppets. Consciously or unconsciously their particular brand of humor — innocent-yet-smart, never mean, and not afraid to be dorky — has influenced the adventures of Breakup Girl. Last night, after watching the newest Muppet Christmas special, Letters to Santa, on NBC, I watched the first Muppet Christmas special, on YouTube. The Great Santa Claus Switch was a special episode of the Ed Sullivan Show (putting it in legal limbo and unavailable on home video) produced in 1970 just as Sesame Street was taking off, and some jolly old soul has posted the hour show in six parts on YouTube.
Bonus! The music is by Joe Raposo; And look for the first appearance of Gonzo The Great (as Snarl the Frackle).