The Long And Short Of It
Going the distance on January 9, 1998…
Dear Breakup Girl,
My girlfriend just moved to Dallas — about 300 miles from where I am. I will be moving there in about 5 months. Should we try to continue the relationship long distance, or see other people for a while?
Dear Dustin,
You tell me. I mean, have you guys already agreed that you’ll start up again when you’re both in Dallas? Are you moving there to be with her? In that case, if y’all think you can’t go five months without a little something something in between … well, that doesn’t speak well for the shelf-life of your commitment (It’s not that long! Penelope and Odysseus — well, Penelope, anyway — would laugh in your face!). But if you two really aren’t sure what’s in store, then sure, free yourselves up. And when you get to Dallas, see how interested she is in helping you move your furniture. It could be a sign.
Breakup Girl