He took my hair’s youth
Still stressed on June 1, 1998…
Dear Breakup Girl,
I have a serious problem, BG. Have you ever heard of a person’s entire head of hair going gray due to a particularly crappy breakup? There was fully an inch of it coming out of my head before I took the matter (the bottle) into my own hands. I am young! I swear it! Could it be possible that a good, solid rebound might somehow reverse this procedure? Please say it’s so…
— The Silver Queen
P.S. I tried the “relapse” first, and although it seemed to help somehow, it didn’t really work on my hair.
Dear Silver Queen,
I prescribe Grecian Formula. As in: 1 round trip ticket to Crete + 1 great little dress = 1 man out of hair.
Breakup Girl