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January 7

Bizarro pitch of the day: “Faux ballers”

Filed under: Comedy — posted by Breakup Girl @ 11:11 pm

From today’s BG super-inbox. Summary: “Ladies! Watch out for those wily ‘faux-ballers’ — who are some of our best customers!” What the what?

Have you ever seen that guy at the bar or nightclub with an entourage of people trying to enhance his profile? You know, the guy’s showing off a wad of cash (as pocket change), flashing his Range Rover parked in valet and trying to invite you back to his five-bedroom house. It’s an interesting story that one of our customers actually admitted. He took over a Mercedes car lease to be a “faux baller.” Naturally, we wanted to ask some follow up questions and tip off women on these poor practices from men. So LeaseTrader went out and asked our guy customers (what it truly meant) their tips and tricks for being a “baller on a budget.” Here’s how you spot a “faux baller.”

Inflated Posse – Get a group of 4-6 friends and take turns being the baller. Each night choose one guy and designate him as baller for the entire evening. Let him carry around all the money and purchase drinks throughout the night. Also you can hype his swagger by asking questions about his latest trip to Dubai or if he closed that multimillion dollar deal last week in London.

Empty Bank Account On Friday Night – Take out all the money from your bank account (literally, take all your money out) before hitting your first destination. Here’s the trick. Pay for each drink you order but don’t start a tab. This gives you the chance to pull out your extremely huge wad of cash for each drink purchase. Make sure you pull out this cash when ladies are nearby.

Getting A Car You Have no Business Driving – This was the inspiration to the story. Our customer wanted to get a sick Mercedes on the cheap. The secondary lease market (LeaseTrader.com) lets “faux ballers” get a Mercedes or even a Maserati for pennies on the dollar with little financial commitment.

Sharing Payments – Purchase that sweet condo or house with a group of friends (the same friends that serve as your club entourage). You’ll hopefully be making money on your investment and getting immediate satisfaction telling girls you bought the place as your vacation home when you’re not traveling around the world. Just make sure your buddies are staying at their parents’ place for the evening or sleeping in their car.

Fake Passport Locations – Nothing says “faux baller” like your faux passport. When you’re talking about running with the bulls in Spain, catching the Cannes Film Festival, or dropping in on Carnaval in Brazil, pull out your faux passport with proof of being in each country and this should seal the deal.

After doing this research we thought you might have some fun with these. If you have any further questions let me know and i’ll be glad to help.


PR Manager


52-week husband hunt ends in manfast

Filed under: blogs,News — posted by Kristine @ 10:21 pm

Neenah Pickett set herself this goal: find a husband in 52 weeks.  And no, as Lemondrop reports, she didn’t find the proverbial ONE — yet! — but to say she spent a whole year looking for love and not finding it negates all that she did find.

From the sound of it, Neenah actually did find love in many places -– in the support of a community that rallied behind her efforts, and in a new-found knowledge of herself. Love, after all, doesn’t just come in one form.  Non-romantic love can be as significant as the romantic kind.  While marriage and family are worthy endeavors that do require effort to establish and sustain, to look to each as a goal or something to be achieved in X amount of time doesn’t leave room for spontaneity or for the unexpected joys along the way.

What next? “Pickett has actually vowed to take a break from dating in 2010,” Lemondrop notes. “But she still believes love is out there.” With all of her new knowledge, let’s hope Neenah doesn’t pursue non-dating in 2010 as rigorously as she pursued a husband in 2009.  If love is out there, you might not need to pursue it daily, or even weekly, but you’ve got to at least be open to it.



Filed under: Celebrities,pop culture,TV — posted by Breakup Girl @ 10:02 pm

Adeles pumps!

Now available at eBay’s Dollhouse fan auction: Echo’s boots, Mellie’s dress, etc. etc.!

“Eeep!” quoth our tipster. “Now if they had some Topher desk toys I could get into this. And/or, you know, Summer Glau in cryofreeze.*

*That’s the Firefly cryofreeze reference, not a creepy, non-specific cryofreeze reference.”


The Mayor of Awesome

Filed under: News,pop culture,Treats — posted by Breakup Girl @ 1:21 pm

Propose via Twitter? That’s so five minutes ago those people are, like, already divorced. (We kid.) Now, two become one via Foursquare*.

Lagniappe: The Greatest Geeky Marriage Proposals of All Time.

*to which BG is utterly addicted.


January 6

Frenemy of the State

Filed under: pop culture,Treats — posted by Breakup Girl @ 2:09 pm

From Vanity Fair (better late than never):

“Learning that Rashida Jones wrote a comic book is like finding out that the hot cheerleader at your high school is really into video games and heavy metal. It’s validation that maybe the things that you love don’t necessarily make you a social outcast. To borrow a phrase from Benjamin Franklin, it’s proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.”


Bad idea jeans

Filed under: pop culture — posted by Breakup Girl @ 12:49 pm

They’re not baby stilettos, or, God help us, infant wigs, but “boyfriend” jeans … for toddlers? NO. 2-year-olds these days are stressed enough about getting playdates.


January 5

What’s a nice girl like you…

Filed under: Treats — posted by Breakup Girl @ 11:38 am

doodling in a place like this? Love it.


Job of the day

Filed under: Treats — posted by Paula @ 10:35 am

Craigslist had this ad up for a female abstinence educator. Note that the job is temporary, replacing someone on maternity leave.

“Only six weeks off and stretch marks. Girls, don’t let this happen to you!”


Will there be a Back to the Future 4?

Filed under: Celebrities,Comedy,pop culture,Treats — posted by Breakup Girl @ 8:14 am

He’s no Rob P., but major points for putting this to music!

“Actor Tom Wilson, known better as time traveling bully Biff from the Back to the Future, gets asked the same BTTF questions so often, he’s put the answers to music. So butthead, any hope for a fourth film?”

Via io9.


January 4

Girls and science: a great match

Filed under: Treats — posted by Breakup Girl @ 2:09 pm

Via Boing Boing:

GirlTalk Radio is a podcast made by girls who love math and science. Hosted by 11-to-16 year olds, the program features interviews with diverse cadre of science-minded women—from stem cell researchers and computer scientists, to marine biologists and computational linguists. Even a CIA intelligence officer. Worth a listen for geek girls of all ages.

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Important Breakup Girl Maxim:
Do not fool around with someone in order to get over someone, especially if it’s that person.
Breakup Girl Sez


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