Filed under: Comedy,Treats,TV — posted by Breakup Girl @ 10:19 am
Did you learn most of what you know about relationships from your parents? And is that good or bad?
If the latter, at least we’ve always had fantasy families to lean on: the Huxtables, the Wilders, the late great Joyce Summers. So please enjoy, at, this list of — and homage to — the 25 Best Fictional Parents.
Is the U.S. “not ready for snarky superheroes” — you mean, besides the super-popular Captain Hammer? — or does this series just sound kind of grim?
At very least, clearly we do need some sort of hero here — a sidekick, at least, called Rewrite, or something — to swoop in and vaporize all lameass gay jokes.
Nope, not Kris vs. Adam — though there’s that. After 65 years, the most famous, and ageless, love triangle may finally be resolved. “The wholesome, red-headed teenager Archie Andrews will be popping the question to one of his childhood sweethearts,” reports (via the Archie Comics official blog), “but who will it be, Betty Cooper or Veronica Lodge?”
Well? Who do you think it should be? And what will the answer mean for “good”/”bad” girls everywhere?
One thing singles tell me a lot is that they enjoy singlehood, they really do — and that they would enjoy it even more if they knew, for super-sure guarantee, that it also had an end date. Well, one new movie — starring BG imaginary BFF Emma Caulfield as a gal named Oona — uses machine-as-metaphor to make that fantasy real. It’s TiMER, in which women and men may choose to be implanted with a device that counts down the days, minutes, and seconds until they meet The One. But Oona’s timer is blank. So what will she do? Like the rest of us in the real world, will she have to just “just know”?
From the trailer, TiMER looks like a sweet sci-fi wrapped in a chick-flick tied with a careful-what-you-wish-for bow. And since what we’ve been wishing for is the return of Emma Caulfield, we’re not gonna be careful at all. (Now if we could just know for sure when — or if — it’ll go into wide release.)