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April 6

Spacebook status: single

Filed under: Comedy — posted by Breakup Girl @ 10:55 am

In the future…Allie pretty much has dated the last man on earth — and he broke her heart. Even as the biological clock ticks for her entire species, can Allie find love on DateAHuman.com? Tune into this camptastic A-Handmaid’s-Tale-meets-Earth-Girls-Are-Easy Web series (featuring FOBG Phil Lamarr) to find out!

February 11

Emily Abt’s Toe to Toe has legs!

Filed under: Celebrities,Comedy,pop culture,Treats — posted by Kristine @ 4:23 pm

As a giant sucker for teen flicks and coming-of-age stories, I was psyched when Breakup Girl was invited to a screening of the forthcoming film Toe to Toe — sort of Bring It On, with lacrosse — plus a panel discussion moderated by Melissa Silverstein (Women & Hollywood) featuring Courtney Martin (contributor to The Shriver Report and senior correspondent for The American Prospect), Rachel Simmons (NYT bestselling author of Curse of the Good Girl and Odd Girl Out) and Emily Abt, writer/director of Toe to Toe.

Drawing from the diverse, but racially and socio-economically divided landscape of Washington, D.C., Toe to Toe opens with a very powerful female voice. We hear Tosha chanting the mantra “Black Bitch” as she prepares to face her opponents for a lacrosse tryout. In that moment, we get a very raw glimpse of Tosha — warrior, high achiever, focused, dedicated and hard at work; for her, not a lot comes easy. Tosha tries to score a goal, only to come up short. As we see Tosha ‘s frustration, Jesse appears. Fun-loving, with a certain arrogance of grace and skill that, along with the comforts of privilege, come naturally, Jesse says: “Watch me!”– and  deftly winds her way to the goal and scores. On the exterior, their competitiveness on the lacrosse field, as well as the obvious markers of race and class, would seem to divide them, but something surprising happens as Tosha accepts Jesse’s help with her lacrosse game. Curiosity wins out as each girl sneaks a peek into the other’s world.

Obviously, their friendship is not uncomplicated. Preceded by their reputations, they take up different roles in the high school hierarchy. With their personal struggles, pressure from other students, and an interest in the same boy, the two find themselves “toe to toe” on more than just the lacrosse field. By the time Tosha’s locker is tagged with her mantra “Black Bitch,” their friendship has unraveled.  The school goes into an uproar; the administration takes action. I was struck by this moment because throughout the film, we see Jesse at her locker with the word “Slutster” written across it. While never acknowleged, the label is there. Somehow, in a school quick to take up arms over race, it is still acceptable by both male and female students to demean a young woman or girl by labeling her a slut.

While similar in theme to more comedic fare such as Mean Girls, Toe to Toe stands out because the struggle for Tosha and Jesse comes from working within, yet pushing the boundaries and limits of the roles they have been given. They are unapologetic about who they are and own their actions, both “good” and “bad.”

Additionally, Abt broaches very women-centric topics such as the “virgin/whore” dichotomy, the normality of sports in women’s lives, girls’ aggression, working mothers and absent fathers, displacement of care with mothers leaving their own children to care for children of more affluent households, negotiating multiple identities, lesbians, rainbow parties, cliques, appropriating language, issues of privacy and technology, the power of perception and — there’s more! — the power of female sexuality. The film as a whole is an unapologetic portrayal of girls on the verge of becoming women and the dynamics of their worlds.

The panel, likewise, spoke to these topics and asked some important questions. How do we get people, namely boys and men to watch films with complex female characters? Why is it important to have male viewers?

We already know women have some serious box office mojo. The second installation of Stephanie Meyers’ Twilight series broke into the number 3 spot for all time box office opening weekends. An Education and Precious are in contention for Best Picture. A year or two ago Juno walked away with an Oscar for Best Screenplay. Does anyone even need to mention the phenomenon of Sex and the City?

Women want images that represent their multiple identities. No, I’m not talking multiple identities in the crazy sense. Just like men, we aren ‘t all the same. Maybe we just want a little reciprocity. So, all you women AND men out there, support independent film-making. Support women. See Toe to Toe, even if you never quite saw the point of lacrosse. (You will now.) Then, come and tell us what you think.

January 20

Onion: LOST fans soon to devastate dinner parties

Filed under: Comedy,Treats,TV — posted by Breakup Girl @ 3:49 pm

Final Season Of ‘Lost’ Promises To Make Fans More Annoying Than Ever

January 7

Bizarro pitch of the day: “Faux ballers”

Filed under: Comedy — posted by Breakup Girl @ 11:11 pm

From today’s BG super-inbox. Summary: “Ladies! Watch out for those wily ‘faux-ballers’ — who are some of our best customers!” What the what?

Have you ever seen that guy at the bar or nightclub with an entourage of people trying to enhance his profile? You know, the guy’s showing off a wad of cash (as pocket change), flashing his Range Rover parked in valet and trying to invite you back to his five-bedroom house. It’s an interesting story that one of our customers actually admitted. He took over a Mercedes car lease to be a “faux baller.” Naturally, we wanted to ask some follow up questions and tip off women on these poor practices from men. So LeaseTrader went out and asked our guy customers (what it truly meant) their tips and tricks for being a “baller on a budget.” Here’s how you spot a “faux baller.”

Inflated Posse – Get a group of 4-6 friends and take turns being the baller. Each night choose one guy and designate him as baller for the entire evening. Let him carry around all the money and purchase drinks throughout the night. Also you can hype his swagger by asking questions about his latest trip to Dubai or if he closed that multimillion dollar deal last week in London.

Empty Bank Account On Friday Night – Take out all the money from your bank account (literally, take all your money out) before hitting your first destination. Here’s the trick. Pay for each drink you order but don’t start a tab. This gives you the chance to pull out your extremely huge wad of cash for each drink purchase. Make sure you pull out this cash when ladies are nearby.

Getting A Car You Have no Business Driving – This was the inspiration to the story. Our customer wanted to get a sick Mercedes on the cheap. The secondary lease market (LeaseTrader.com) lets “faux ballers” get a Mercedes or even a Maserati for pennies on the dollar with little financial commitment.

Sharing Payments – Purchase that sweet condo or house with a group of friends (the same friends that serve as your club entourage). You’ll hopefully be making money on your investment and getting immediate satisfaction telling girls you bought the place as your vacation home when you’re not traveling around the world. Just make sure your buddies are staying at their parents’ place for the evening or sleeping in their car.

Fake Passport Locations – Nothing says “faux baller” like your faux passport. When you’re talking about running with the bulls in Spain, catching the Cannes Film Festival, or dropping in on Carnaval in Brazil, pull out your faux passport with proof of being in each country and this should seal the deal.

After doing this research we thought you might have some fun with these. If you have any further questions let me know and i’ll be glad to help.


PR Manager

January 5

Will there be a Back to the Future 4?

Filed under: Celebrities,Comedy,pop culture,Treats — posted by Breakup Girl @ 8:14 am

He’s no Rob P., but major points for putting this to music!

“Actor Tom Wilson, known better as time traveling bully Biff from the Back to the Future, gets asked the same BTTF questions so often, he’s put the answers to music. So butthead, any hope for a fourth film?”

Via io9.

December 17

Better dead than redhead?

Filed under: Comedy,pop culture — posted by Breakup Girl @ 1:59 pm


December 15


Filed under: Celebrities,Comedy,Treats — posted by Breakup Girl @ 11:07 am

Nathan Fillion and Stana Katic interview each other. (Have to call out Fillion for a bit of homophobia, but Katic has never heard of Bosom Buddies — does this even things out in some cosmic gay nyuk nyuk way? — and anyway, we’ll give ’em a pass for pure charm and game.)

And look, it’s also our friends from the late lamented Dollhouse!

Via AOL’s Outside the Box. We like.

December 10

Target Women: How To Get Hot Chicks

Filed under: Comedy,pop culture — posted by Breakup Girl @ 11:46 am

How did we miss this?

November 12

What’s so scary about funny women?

Filed under: Comedy,pop culture — posted by Paula @ 3:53 pm

Obviously, we heart funny women at Breakup Girl HQ, but what about the rest of the world?

Are funny women intimidating to the opposite sex?

Although Kevin Pang ends his Chicago Tribune article on the topic with a happy punch line, he explores the pitfalls of funny women in the Chicago improv scene trying to date “civilians.”

Although male improvisers date both within and outside the community, many female improvisers only date fellow performers…The argument, I realized, might not be that female performers can’t date noncomedians, but that they gravitate toward funnier men.

He goes on to quote sociologists and layfolk, and makes the astute observation:

Those who can make others laugh are the puppeteers of life. They pull strings, tugging and slacking people’s emotions. And that’s a powerful thing, perhaps too much for some men to accept.

So what’s the moral here? Should funny women stick to dating only funny guys? Should natural-born comediennes suppress their instincts in order to appeal to men? Or should men just grow a pair and face their fears? What do you think? Comments welcome.

[P.S. Welcome, Paula, to BG’s super-bloggers! You’re funny, and we’re not intimidated.]

October 29

Dunder Mifflin Spice

Filed under: Comedy,pop culture,Treats — posted by Breakup Girl @ 11:01 am

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