Dear Breakup Girl,
My boyfriend left for college and I'm a senior in high school....and quite
honestly I don't know what to do. We agreed to stay together because (if I get
accepted...and who wouldn't accept the 4.129 on the ACT student that I am?)
chances are I'll go to the same school as he next year (been interested in it
since WAY before we ever met...and he isn't going there because of me...) and
we'll graduate at the same time (cause I'm taking 4 AP classes and will earn a
bunch of college credits from them!) Anyway, problem is, now I'm really lonely
and having second thoughts.
I can't really get out and do that much anyway, I'm spending lots of time
studying (because of those four AP classes. And he's going to school about 12
hours away! So it's not like I'm going to cheat on him...even though my friends
want me to (A**holes.) I really really really love him and swears the same to
me. He's always been good to me, so good to me, he's so perfect and we think
alike and...sigh* But I'm so lonely and unhappy here now. I don't know if I can
live like this for a whole nine months (give or take about two weeks.) It's
just too hard and this IS my senior year. He even told me I could see other
people if nothing came of it (does this mean he might do the same? I'm not
going to and I really don't want him to do it. It's not fair for the other
person...leading them on and all, and I don't think it's fair for me if he does
it either.) (oh yeah, and what if he falls in love with somebody else? What
happens to me then?) Truthfully, the only guys I was even slightly interested
in ever in the past four years have all either joined the Navy or left for
college now. I don't have that many friends at all...and I just feel like crap.
Why'd he have to go to school so far away? I already don't like this LDR thing,
I've felt like crying for weeks. Everybody I know says to break up with
him--but I'll even be more alone then. And I need and want his parents help
next year when I leave for school (my parents aren't willing to make that long
trip.) He told me not to be sad, so I don't want to tell him how I feel! But I
AM sad, I can't help it, I don't know that there is anything else I can ever
be! I don't know if breaking up would help or not, I think not. But I need
something! Oh what should I do?
-- LDR Gurl
Dear LDRG,
I know the part you wanted me to notice was the stuff
about your ACT scores and AP classes and all that, but here's what really
caught my eye: that your parents "aren't willing to make the long
trip" to take you to college. Maybe I'm missing something, but ....
HUH?!?! What the dilly? Seems to me that that's their job. Which (along
with your friends' bad advice) makes me wonder. Is someone, um, nurturing
you somewhere, anywhere, Gurlie? Or are you cramming and achieving and
performing -- admirably, I might add -- so that pleeeeeeeease someone will pay
attention to and value you? You don't have to have gotten a 5 on the Advice AP
to see how this might fit in with your LDR blues (though to be fair, anyone in
your situation would, bottom line, be going through exactly the same sad bad
thing). I mean, no wonder you're nervous; when he's gone, it's harder for you
to, like, work on and do and achieve the relationship.
Being without him is gonna be a new (and tough ) thing for you, as is trusting
your heart along with your brain.
Breakup Girl