Dear Breakup Girl,
It's been just shy of two months since my ex-fiance and I broke up. He'd
been cheating on me with some girl from the Internet as a way of avoiding the
fact that we weren't getting along as well as we used to. The relationship was
troubled way before Ms. Naughty Chat came along: she was just the catalyst for
what I didn't want to believe was the inevitable. He'd given up on me long
before I'd given up on him... he calls it "being further along in the
grieving process" which frankly makes me want to puke from all the
pop-psychological flavor of the statement.
Despite all that both of us did to f**k things up between us, both of us
(really, truly) do want to be friends, because we were actually really good
friends before everything fell apart and it would be a waste to not try to get
some of that back, even though the romance will never be there again. (I miss
him like that, too, but I don't trust him in that department anymore.)
Part of the problem with this is that I feel that a lot of stuff between us
is unresolved... there's a lot of unanswered questions about why and when and
how that he hasn't answered yet. He says that it's as answered as it's going to
be (i.e. hardly at all) and that we should try to move on. This reminds me of
that ugly-ass statement that floated around in the political world a few years
ago: "Now is a time for healing." Except that politicians only said
it after things like the Rodney King verdict and after bombing some country.
The implied thing here is "Okay, I know I've just punched you in the gut,
and you really either want to know why, or punch back, but NOW IS A TIME FOR
HEALING, meaning you'll just have to be a good sport and get over it."
What's the difference between wanting to let bygones be bygones, and
avoiding a subject because you don't want to be held accountable for being an
asshole? How do I heal from something like this? I want desperately to be his
friend again, but how do I stop being angry at him for the breach of trust?
Oh, to make matters worse, I'm one of those types that find it extremely
hard to just leave a subject alone, or to give people space, especially when
something feels unresolved. It just burns in my head like a hot coal until I
can't stand it anymore. I've tried Ben & Jerry's, I've tried cable t.v.,
prayer, writing, going out with other friends... nothing works. Thanks in
advance for your help.
-- Medusa
Dear Medusa,
Blech. I am so totally to hear about this breakup. But
let's not throw the baby out with the babble. Let's face it, when someone
cheats on you and then dumps you, everything they say makes you want to
puke. His "grieving process" thing is annoying, yes, but also
probably accurate. Same goes for "as answered as it's going to be."
(You're the one who added the "healing" thing. Which is unfortunate.)
From what I can tell, you do know what messed things up between you. And from
what I can tell, he may not have answers for you. Answers that -- be honest --
you want to hear, anyway. Or, for that matter, answers that you actually
need.. I know it's driving you batty, but can you tell me, really, that
there's something he could have said that would actually have preempted the Ben
& Jerry's, cable, prayer, etc.? Sometimes, letting things go is not about
being a "good sport" or granting a jerk license -- it's something you
do for you. So I'm pretty sure, Medusa, that that hot coal in your head is
burning right on schedule. In terms of all of your butterfat-based healing
projects, what do you mean by "work?" Did you expect to wake up and
feel fine already? The last two months -- which is not very long! especially
for a broken engagement -- were, and should have been, all wallowing, all the
time. And when you're ready -- which doesn't mean the anger and unresolved
questions will totally vanish -- it'll be a time for dealing. Then talk
about being friends.
Breakup Girl