Dear Breakup Girl,
How can I get guys to realize that just because I have glasses doesn't mean
I'm a geek? Without my glasses on I look really pretty, because everyone has
told me that. Help me shake some sense into these boys!
-- Meghan
Dear Meghan,
IF it is at all true that Men Don't Make Passes at
Girls Who Wear Glasses, then it's not because they make you look bad, it's
because they make you look ... smart. This is ridiculous on many levels. We all
know that glasses do not equal brains (I mean, look at Velma. She has glasses,
and that still doesn't mean she's smart enough to... get contacts). Also, even
if this stereotype were true, you'd think these boys would be psyched to date
someone smart; perhaps, however, they are needlessly intimidated. Maybe they
think you read more than them and they're afraid that you'll make all of these
witty literary references ("I thought the book 'I Know What You Did Last
Summer' was better than the movie") that will go straight over their
heads. What-ever.
All there is to do, practically speaking, is just make
sure your glasses are flattering and work well with your face. Like hats, or
certain styles of clothing, some look good on some people, some don't. This has
nothing to do with who's model-thin, or conventionally pretty -- it's more
cosmic than that. Go to the store and play around with some frames. If you
start feeling unsatisfied with the ones you have now, start saving
Also keep in mind that some guys LOVE women in glasses
just aesthetically, the same way they might love redheads or women with
freckles. And vice-versa.
And finally, after all that, it may not be the glasses
at all. You may be wondering, "Hey, I'm pretty cool, but I don't have a
boyfriend, and all my friends do, and none of them has glasses....!?" You
put 20/20 together, and voila... but the fact of the matter is, it may just be
that you don't happen to have a boyfriend right now. Someone will come along
who likes what he sees, I promise.
Breakup Girl