Dear Breakup Girl,
What is the consensus about men dating single moms? I am an educated,
attractive, fun to be with, early 20's woman with a 7-month-old son. I broke up
with his father about two months ago, but lost interest in the father about
five to six months prior. I would like to meet someone, but am scared no one
will want to date me because of my baby. Where would I meet a guy?
-- Single Mom
Dear Single,
Yeah, it might be a little tricky. Everyone -- male or
female -- who fantasizes about having all sorts of firsts with their soulmate
might think, "No fair, s/he already got to do the kid thing with
Still, it can be done. I checked with my single mom
friend Rachel -- who, mind you, is getting remarried shortly! -- and she says
you definintely want to be discreet (but not cagey) at first. "I asked a
guy to come into Toys R Us with me, and I never heard from him again," she
says. But she also pointed out that you do have a built-in screening process:
it's not that a guy for whom a kid is a deal-breaker is bad -- but the ones who
do stick around are, more than likely, way into you, and not freaked about the
dad thing.
But where? By this point, Rachel's 14-year-old
daughter piped up. "Parent-teacher conferences!" Not a bad idea. But
I bet you'll find someone before your son is old enough to give
Breakup Girl