Dear Breakup Girl,
I have been dating a girl for two and a half years now. We are unofficially
engaged, I guess. I bought her a small diamond ring last year as a gift and she
like to tell people it is an engagement ring. We have been living together for
about five months now. I have come to the conclusion that I don't want to
marry, much less be with her anymore. But due to the lease, I am not sure on
how to go about breaking up with her? Any suggestions?
-- Torn
Dear Torn,
You do realize that the lease is the least of your
worries. Couples don't consult each other about the best time for a
breakup, much less their landlords. (Though Breakup Girl's landlord does
threaten to reclaim her apartment if he and his wife ever split up. But that's
another story for another day.)
Anyway, that ring's the thing I'm worried about. Guys,
even in this funky day and age, where women propose and men take their wives'
names, you just don't just give your girlfriend a "small diamond
ring" and think to yourself, "Well, she knows it's not THAT kind of
ring!" You just don't. So if you want to break up with her, you need to
break up with her the way anyone does. Gently, firmly, clearly. I don't want
you -- either of you -- writing back to me saying, "We are unofficially
broken up, I guess."
Breakup Girl