Dear Breakup Girl,
With all your immense wisdom, can you PLEASE let us in on the secret of
turning someone down nicely? There is nothing I hate worse than trying to
explain to gentlemen friends that I'm not interested. Is it all right to tell a
tiny white lie in these situations? Like, "Actually, I'm leaving for a
remote area in Africa tomorrow so I can't go out this weekend?" Well, you
get the point. Please help!
-- Not Interested
Dear Not Interested,
The Africa thing is risky, as a plucky suitor may up
and offer you his international cell phone.
Here are some examples of acceptable lies:
1. "I had a great time."
2. "Dinner? Well, actually, I think it would be so much more meaningful if
you came over and acted out a new dramatization of Diana's Last Days
that I've just completed. I've already highlighted your lines in pink.
How's sevenish?
3. "I'm not in a very relationship place right
now." (As in, standing here, right now, talking to you.)
Basically, though, NI, it's not about lying, it's
about not telling the whole truth. If that's what it takes to be nice. And
early on, that's all you owe your gentlemen callers. No Explanations -- and
definitely no elaborate Excuses -- but simply a "You know what, that's
very kind, but I'm going to pass. Thanks, though." In this case, being
clear, even blunt, is being nice.
Breakup Girl