Dear Breakup Girl,
It started about four months ago. I met a wonderful guy who I thought would
be the ONE. I wasn't really looking at the time for anyone serious. Things
started out fast and furious. Spent all of our time together and never fought.
Two months into the relationship I mysteriously contract the Herpes virus. He
tells me he doesn't have it and also that it won't interfere with the
relationship. Soon after he starts to become distant. I really don't think
anything of it, thinking he just has some added stress. We continue on a
healthy path for another month. Then 4 days ago he breaks up with me because
(1) he doesn't want to be in a relationship anymore. He just wants to be
"alone". He had been alone for 2 years before meeting me. And (2) he
isn't sure that he can handle the Herpes thing anymore. I know that I am better
off without someone who can't deal with the virus, but don't you think he owes
me an explanation about why he suddenly changed his mind. I also would really
like to know if he lied to me all along about whether or not he had the virus.
I think he owes me that.
-- Suzi
Dear Suzi,
Yep, he kinda does owe you. More data about the virus,
not about the breakup. It's an important health issue, simple as that. Ask him
point-blank. But nicely, non-accusingly. What does he have to lose? You're
already broken up. He may not offer much, but you're totally allowed --
encouraged -- to ask. Also, I recommend you find a support or social group for
like-virused people. You'd thought of that already, right? Please take care of
Breakup Girl