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September 14, 1998   CONTINUED e-mail e-mail to a friend in need


Dear Breakup Girl,

I have an almost ridiculous problem. Although I am sixteen and have never dated, I have fallen in love a few times. And no, not the kind of two-week-obsession we teens are vulnerable to, but fawning over boys for up to three years. And while I am kind of big (and beautiful, thankyouverymuch), I am not shy or unpopular. In fact, I've become friends with these guys most of the time. The reason I have not dated is this (and I am 100% not kidding): Every guy I've loved has turned out to be homosexual. They are open about it and comfortable with it, and I guess I would be, too, if I hadn't fallen head-over-heels for 'em.

I guess my questions are these: Am I wrong in expecting a nice guy to be straight? Are the only gentlemen left in the world not interested in women? And how can I know when I'm falling for someone who can love me back?

-- Frustrated

Dear Frustrated,

Okay, let's don't slip into the "all of the good ones are taken or gay!" lament. I know TONS of nice straight gentlemen who are totally interested in, um, my friends! What's really going on here, I think, is that you think you're going out on some high-drama limb, but you're really playing it safe. That is: if these guys don't go for you, you have a really good reason. Hey, Frustrated, that's excellent Rejection Protection. Sure, maybe these boys have some innate qualities that you really do dig. Identify them in these guys, and then look for them in someone straight.

Breakup Girl



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