Dear Breakup Girl,
First off I love your page. It's been a great help to me. Well, I broke up
with my boyfriend in March (right after spring break). We really haven't talked
since then and I miss our friendship. Well his birthday is coming up in July
and I don't know if I should tell him Happy Birthday. Do I call him or do I
send him a birthday card in the mail or do I even do anything at all? Would it
be inappropiate for me to even do this at all? Will his family think less of me
if I do or don't? Please help me make my decision by the middle of July. What
do I do?
-- Wondering
Dear Wondering,
Actually, sending a birthday card sounds like a
perfect way to make a small but nice move toward reconnecting platonically. I
wouldn't call, because if you haven't talked at all, it might put him on the
spot, and you don't want to hang up the phone with an awkward echo in your
About the card, though: don't expect a response. I'm
not saying he won't give you one; I'm just saying don't expect one. Or, to put
it another way, don't make the "success" of your venture contingent
upon whether or not he calls you the minute he gets it to thank you for the
card and lock of hair. You send it, it's a nice thing to do, end of story. Oh,
and forget about what his parents think, either way; God forbid they should be
reading his mail or tallying his birthday correspondence. Finally, when you
select the card, keep it simple and pleasant -- do not make it MEAN anything --
by following these basic guidelines: (1) no 2-layer cards with raised script
and inspirational poetry, (2) no crass jokes, and (3) no Ziggy.
Breakup Girl
P.S. Thanks for the kind words. All cards may be sent
to POB 150214, Brooklyn NY 11215. My family will think you have good manners. ;