And now, a few more seasonal items, as people are still asking/sharing
Dear Breakup Girl,
I broke up with my boyfriend two months ago but he still likes me. A lot!
Now his friend likes me also and my ex asked me to the prom but I would feel
funny going with him so now I am going with his friend instead. I'm mad at my
ex -- he follows me around -- but I don't want to hurt him; I only want to be
friends. Should I feel guilty about going to the prom with his friend even
though he asked me first?
-- Sandra
Dear Sandra,
You have hereby demonstrated the one major exception
to Breakup Girl's yes-means-yes rule when it comes to accepting prom dates.
Normally, it's No Backsies. But when your ex asks you -- given how weird and
changeable all these feelings and situations can be -- BG will cut you some
slack for saying yes in the chill of the moment and then reneging. Still, you
do have to make sure you've been straight and up front with your ex about the
date-switch sitch. Especially 'cause you're going with his friend. In an ideal
world you'd be going to prom with, oh, Jared Leto,
as opposed to your ex's friend; but Breakup Girl realizes that, especially in
smaller schools, some of these overlapping circles are unavoidable. Anyway,
make sure your ex realizes that you're not doing this to be mean; you're really
sorry, but you just realized that you really wouldn't feel comfortable ...
which wouldn't make you the most fun date in prom history, yada yada yada. And
neither will feeling guilty. So yeah, you can have both a good time and a good
Breakup Girl