Dear Breakup Girl,
This is kinda a horror story/survivor story. Last summer I was crushing on a
guy friend so I sucked up my gut and told him. He e-mailed (how tacky) me back
and took several pages to get across the meaning that he wasn't interested. I
then invoked the curse of e-mail breakups and sent it to all my friends with
the subject heading "And I thought I liked this jerk!" Everyone
(including him and I) swore to secrecy as no one wanted it all over our junior
high. Then last fall I'm walking down the hall when some guy asks if I asked
(we'll call him Bob) Bob out over the summer. I later asked Bob if he told
anyone, he swore up and down that he didn't, and even suggested that my friends
knew as well. So I asked the guy who'd asked me about it at school who had told
him. His reply: "Bob, but don't tell him because he'll be really mad at
me." I told Bob that he lied to me. He e-mailed me back (again!) to say
"Call it what you like." So I dropped him like a bad habit and moved
my attentions to someone more mature (and more likely to say things in person).
He's more cute, too. I'm having a blast flirting and not having to worry about
having a boyfriend. Hence proving again that the good guys always (well,
usually) win.
-- Free From Lame E-Mailers
Dear Free,
Hmmm. I really do like the ending, but I must say that
Bob's email did not necessarily warrant the Curse. I mean, it may not have been
what you wanted to hear, but it wasn't a breakup. Also, I'm not sure how your
e-forwarding move is consistent with your professed dedication to
"secrecy" -- like, how you can bust Bob for blabbing when you totally
did yourself. Call it what you like, but I'd say it's a big NO on number 1,
above. Sorry.
Breakup Girl