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March 23, 1998   CONTINUED e-mail e-mail to a friend in need


Dear Breakup Girl,

I've been dating a woman for nine months. I have three kids that live with me and she has a daughter who is eight years old. We get along well and have a lot in common, except her daughter drives me crazy. She is the "typical only child," constantly demanding everyone's attention when she is in a room and ruling her mother's life. I'm not sure how far I want this to go...but if I want it to go further, how do I handle the eight-year-old tyrant? Thanks.

-- Gonzo Dadio

Dear Gonzo,

Other way around. Decide if you want it to go further; then worry about Curly Sue. Only if you think you're able to make a commitment to this woman will you have some say in the daughter's behavior -- and some confirmation that you're not using it as an let's-keep-one-foot-out excuse. If you want to, you can work it out. I mean, I'm a typical only child, and my dad seems fine so far.

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