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March 2, 1998   CONTINUED e-mail e-mail to a friend in need


Dear Breakup Girl,

I recently had a new roommate move into my house. What had recently been a household of girls has now undergone some testosterone revamping. When this guy moved in I thought nothing of him, but now I'm finding myself oddly attracted and I think he's into me to. What should I do, four months to go and I don't know if I should tell him or keep it to myself and forget him. Help me!

-- Romancing Roomie

Dear Romancing,

Living together is generally something people do after they've made a commitment. In your case, play it safe. I wouldn't want something to be over before it even begins; when your ex is your roommate, all of a sudden those toothpaste trails s/he leaves aren't so "adorable" anymore. Savor the crush -- four months isn't that long -- and when he moves out, then you can consider how to move in.

Breakup Girl



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Let your Ex be mad because you broke up with him/her. Not because of HOW you broke up with him/her.
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