From “terror sex” to “hope sex”
Anecdotal evidence suggests that last night, for millions of euphoric liberals, moderates, and sane Republicans, “Not tonight, honey, I have to blog,” became “YES WE CAN! YES! YES! YES!”
Take me, for example. As I watched Obama’s acceptance speech, heart — and loins — swelled alike. My loving man gave my hand a squeeze, and I was filled with a wondrous, deep and primal desire to embrace him and celebrate life. And even — now that we have a prayer of creating for them a worthy world — to make life, to make babies!
I know I’m not alone: Twitterer after Twitterer was whooping in the same lusty way. And whether or not there’s a resulting O-baby-boom in July, we can say this with some certainty: Inspired, united, ignited, we have officially replaced the terror sex of 2001 — that end-of-days groping for closeness — with hope sex, celebrating the true, transporting possibility of coming together as one.